Older children need watching, too, like preventing your ten-year-old from spraying WD-40 all over the living room when he mistakes it for air freshener (true story), or walking by your teen’s bedroom door constantly to make sure it’s open while a “friend” is over. If you have a little one, then you know that having eyes on your child is endless at the baby/toddler stage. Identifying and evaluating child’s current emotional state/special needs- Doctor/professional appointments for diagnosis and follow up- Researching and interviewing specialists for treatment such as therapists, OT, PT, speech- Discussing issues/treatment plan with child's teacher (consulting with “teacher communication” cardholder)- Scheduling specialist appointments- Educating oneself, teachers, childcare helpers, other parents and child on issue/risks/special needs/ancillary issues like bullying (options may include: books, seminars, find support groups for you and your child or start a support group)OTHER THINGS TO NOTE IF CHILD HAS AN ALLERGY/FOOD SENSITIVITY):- Educating oneself and others on how best to read food labels- Scheduling meetings with teacher- Creating a notebook to have in classroom with info on what child can/can't eat- Pre-planning for birthday parties and other events that involve bringing own snacks- Calling before parties and restaurants to find out what will be served or what options there are- Researching safe restaurants/deliver menus for childcare helpers